The Ultimate Guide to Babies 0 to 3 Months

The newborn stage. The fourth trimester. Things are definitely not easy during this stage of life. Recovering from birth, learning to breastfeed, being up at all hours of the night, just to name a few of the hardships. But that newborn smell and baby cuddles make it all worth it.

When you are a mom to a new baby, everything seems like a big deal. You worry about everything and being sleep deprived certainly doesn’t help. I know I can’t help with all the anxiety but hopefully this article will take away some of the worries of making sure your child is making the big milestones on time and making sure you are focusing on what is important.

This is the ultimate guide to babies aged 0 to 3 months. I will go over all the developmental milestones that a child this age should do, some easy ways to play with baby, simple activities to do with baby, and products and toys that will make this stage easier. 

The newborn stage is hard. Basically the first month of life is survival mode. The play ideas and activities in this post are more for babies aged 1 to 3 months. This doesn’t mean that you can’t start some of these ideas in the early weeks, but it definitely isn’t necessary. That first month should be focused on bonding with baby. Get used to feeding baby. There are a lot of learning curves, along with recovering from child birth. So learn along with baby and add in some of these ideas when you and baby are ready.

Developmental Milestones

Here is a list of things baby should be able to do by the end of month 3. This list is based on research I have done. Most information is from the book, “Caring For Your Baby and Young Child.” This is just a quick overview but the book goes in way more detail. If you would like to check out this book, I will link it below. I highly recommend it as a resource when you have young children.

By the end of month 3 baby can:

  • Can briefly calm self
  • Smiles at the sound of your voice
  • Focuses on faces
  • Coos/begins to babble
  • Begins to imitate some sounds
  • Turns head towards direction of sound
  • Enjoys playing with other people
  • Becomes more communicative and expressive with face and body
  • Imitates some movements and facial expressions
  • Turns toward sounds
  • Follows things with eyes
  • Recognizes familiar objects and people at a distance
  • Acts bored (cries, fusses) if activity doesn’t change
  • Holds head up
  • May begin to push up when lying on tummy
  • Stretches legs out and kicks when lying on stomach or back
  • Brings hands to mouth
  • Graps and shakes hand toys
  • Takes swipes at dangling objects with hands

Activities and Play Ideas

Give consistent, warm, physical contact: Use lively faces, hugging, skin to skin, body to body contact. This helps establish the baby’s sense of security.

Talk to baby: Anything you say to baby is beneficial to their developing language. Use a “sing song” voice, which people usually use with babies.

Sing to baby: When baby is on his back, sing “Row, Row, Row, Your Boat” while gently rotating baby’s legs.

Play soft music: Lullabies or other soothing music is great.

Read every day: Some of my favorite books will be linked below.

Colorful objects of different shapes, sizes, and textures: I will include a list of some of my favorite toys below.

Black and White Images: Print out some black and white images for baby or draw some simple shapes in black and white (checkerboard, diagonals, simple faces). Place the images where baby can look at them about 8-12 inches from their face. These images are also great for placing in front of your baby during tummy time.

Peekaboo: Your face is the most interesting visual object for young babies.

Where’s the Toy: Show your baby a toy. Cover the toy with a cloth and ask, “Where is it.” Uncover the toy and say, “Here it is.”

Take a Walk Outside: Describe to baby what you are seeing and feeling.

Baby Yoga/Baby Massage: This is great for bonding with baby and physical touch. There are some great videos on YouTube that show you how to do this.

Sampling Textures: Collect an assortment of household items (cotton ball, scarf, different types of material, etc.) Brush each item gently over baby’s skin and describe how it feels (silky, soft, rough, etc.)

Dancing: Play some music and dance around while holding baby!

Mirror Time: Hold baby in front of a mirror and sing or dance. Baby loves watching the baby in the mirror.

Changing Table Fun: While changing baby, take some time to sing or play peek a boo or any other simple game.

Ribbon Sheet: Use a recieving blanket or other piece of material and sew some strips of ribbon to one edge. Dangle the sheet above baby’s head while laying down. Let him look up to it and he might even reach for the ribbons.

Play Apps: If you want more play ideas, think about checking out different play apps. Baby Sparks, Playfully, and Kinedu are three apps that I love. These apps give you play ideas daily along with milestone checklists and articles to read about your current baby’s development.

Developmental Toys

Black and white images or books: My baby loves black and white books. I really love the black and white books, “Look, Look!” by Peter Linenthal. I will link those below. I also really like black and white images cards. You could make them as mentioned above or buy them!

Tummy time toys: Black and white flash cards give a great visual during tummy time. I also love a play mat (pictured below) for baby that has hanging toys to look at. I particularly like this one because it is black and white. My son loves this play mat!

Mobile: Mobiles are a great visual for young babies as well! This mobile below includes black and white image cards which is great for baby!

Rattles: Rattles can be easily grasped by baby and make noise when shaken. These are great first toys to play with.


Halo Bassinest: A bassinet is a must with a newborn. When baby is right next to you it is easier to feed throughout the night. I love this Halo Bassinest. It makes baby feel like they are sleeping right in your bed, but safely. I love that I can easily keep an eye on baby while sleeping.

Boppy Nursing Pillow: If you are breastfeeding, this is a must. It helps keep you comfortable while nursing. I also love to use this when baby is older and learning to sit up by themselves. You can also get different covers, so you can match your nursery and use it for multiple babies.

Boppy Lounger: This is a must for the first few months. This pillow gives you a place to put baby down so you can get something done. It is an easy and safe place for baby to lay down. I use this all the time!

Stroller: Going on walks is a great way to get out of the house and get some exercise. I LOVE the Evenflo Pivot Xpand Stroller. It can be used for one child or two. This is great for taking both my toddler and baby out for walks.

Swing: A swing is another good product to have with little ones. This is another place you can put your baby to get something done. I got a swing that doubles as a bouncer, so it took up less space in our house.

Swaddles: Swaddles are a great way to help baby sleep. My son loves being swaddled. I especially love these swaddles. They are really easy to wrap up, since they velcro. I got these in a small size for newborns and a bigger size for closer to three months. My son was swaddled to sleep until he started to roll over around 5 months.

I hope this developmental guide was beneficial for you and your baby!

Check out my ultimate guide for 4 to 7 month olds here!

Thank you for Continually Learning with us!


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