I remember my 6th grade science teacher giving us a test, grading it, and returning it before the end of the period. It was so nice to have the instant feedback and not have to wait for it to be graded over the weekend. He did this consistently week after week, and would even have time to talk to us about our incorrect answers. How did he do this? He did this by using a scantron machine. Students would complete the test and he or a student would run it through the scantron machine. He would record the grade and then give it back. He would wait for everyone to finish usually, but sometimes he would walk to the student’s desk and quietly discuss the incorrect answers and answer any questions.
Electronic Testing is now a very real possibility for classrooms all over the country. It can also be utilized in far better ways than the story with the scantron. Many times, schools and teachers have a variety of FREE electronic testing options at their fingertips that they don’t even know about. Hopefully this post will open your eyes to some ways you can add electronic assessment into your teacher toolbox.
Fortunately, electronic testing has been developed way further than a simple machine that grades multiple choice only. Now, multiple electronic testing options have been developed to the point where fill in the blank, matching, multiple choice, and free response are all now electronic test question options. These free options can change the way you assess in your classroom and can be used in your classroom today!
Let’s look at how electronic testing may be possible in your classroom and give you an opportunity to take your first electronic test! If you already have electronic testing and want to learn how to utilize it in your classroom, click here.
How can electronic testing be an option for my classroom?
1. Office 365
Office 365, in my opinion, has opened the door to electronic testing in the classroom. I have used the Forms feature of Office 365 to create electronic assessments, and tickets out the door for the last couple of years. Office 365 has been purchased for all students and teachers in the state I teach in, and is a tool at the fingertips of many. I do not know if it has been purchased for your state, but if so, you can be literally minutes away from creating your first electronic test or assessment.
How to find out if Office 365 is available to you?
To check and see if this has been purchased for your school or state, you can ask your fellow teachers and your administration. You can also check and see if Office 365 would be available to you by going to this link and typing in your school email address.
If Office 365 is an option for you, then you should have access to the Forms function. Once you login and launch forms you are well on your way to creating your first assessment, survey, station check, or ticket out the door. Log in then go to the waffle and you will see Word, PowerPoint, Outlook and others. You want to locate the Forms option and click it. It will launch forms and you can create your first electronic test or assessment!
If this option is available for you, you can go to the bottom of this post and take your first electronic test, so you can see some of the capabilities of electronic assessments. Its fun and not for a grade! It is just to show you the capability of some of the technology now available!
After you take the electronic test, you can go to the Forms function of your Office 365 and start creating your first quiz.

2. Google Classroom
It is possible that Office 365 may not be available to you for one reason or another. If this is so, I would suggest that you pursue Google Classroom as a free option that can also open the door to electronic testing. I have used the Google Forms to create electronic assessments, and tickets out the door for the last couple of years for some of the college classes that I teach. Google Classroom is a free option that can be pursued by schools and the teachers can benefit from having the multiple other features it offers. I do not know everything about the process because I primarily use Office 365, but I know I have used the Google Forms function to accomplish the same types of electronic tests with Office 365 Forms. Forms are available to people that have Google Classroom.
How to find out if Google Classroom is available to you?
Sign up for a Google Classroom account and see if your school or institution has signed up for Google Classroom. If they have, you can log in and start creating your Google Form assessments. Google Classroom is nice because it opens a lot of doors to your students besides just electronic testing.
If Google Classroom is an option your school has or is one they are willing to pursue, this is fantastic! The free functions of Google Classroom give teachers opportunities to move their classrooms to paperless. Also, Google Classroom helps to build students’ computer literacy as well.
If this option is available for you, you can go to the bottom of this post and take your first electronic test, so you can see some of the capabilities of Google Forms electronic assessments. It’s fun and not for a grade! It is just to show you the capability of some of the technology now available!
After you take the electronic test, you can go to Google Classroom and start creating your first quiz with Google Forms!

3. Tradition Gmail Account
If both the options discussed before are not options for you for whatever reason, you can literally just sign up for a traditional Gmail account. The reason I don’t have this as the preferred option is because the other two options give you significantly more security and features. Just a traditional Gmail account will have the Google Forms feature, which can be utilized for electronic testing as well!
How to find out if Gmail is available to you?
Gmail is available free to everyone that meets their legal requirements, such as age.
A Gmail account is a wonderful opportunity for all teachers to get their hands on some free electronic testing technology. Really the functions of Google Forms go far beyond just electronic testing. Google Forms allow teachers to collect information quickly and effectively electronically. Surveys, station check, self check, tickets out the door, quizzes, tests, and much more can be done quicker and easier with these functions. You can find the Google forms function in the waffle area. You might have to click the more button, but you should be able to find Forms.
Before you go sign up for a Gmail account, go to the bottom of this post and take your first electronic test, so you can see some of the capabilities of Google Forms electronic assessments. It’s fun and not for a grade! It is just to show you the capability of some of the technology now available!
After you take the electronic test, you can go to your Gmail account and start creating your first quiz with Google forms!
Scan the QR code and it will take you to the electronic test. You can download a free QR code reader app or click the link below to the Google Forms assessment!
Sample test click here.

Please check out our post on advantages and ways to utilize electronic testing in your own classroom here!
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Thank you for Continually Learning with us!
Kyle and Sarah